Journal of Social Science and Linguistics

ISSN 2249-2984
Start Year: 2011
Periodicity: Bi-Annual
Nature: Print only
Review: Peer Reviewed


Aims & Scope of the title:

This Journal was started with an aim to promote the researches done by scholars and professionals. The Journal have a fair policy to accept researches for publication. The journal provide space to the scholars from Humanities, Social Science, Education and related area. This is peer reviewed journal and have right to accept or reject any paper at any time.
The Journal is having ISSN 2249-2984, bi-annual journal, being published in the months of June and December by VL Media Solutions, Delhi, India since year 2011. It is academic, Print, peer reviewed journal. The aim of the journal is to:

• To Publish original, theoretical or applied research in the field of Humanities, Social Science allied fields.
• To provide a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component.
• To fill the gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, and relevant research.
• To promote original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works through publication.
• To build a bridge for gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of research.

Journal’s main subjects includes but not limited to:
• History
• Geography
• Sociology
• Social work
• Women studies
• Human Rights
• Economics
• Rural Developments
• Finance and banking
• Education
• Political Science and International relations
• Psychology
• Philosophy
• Language and Linguistics
• Literature

Guidelines for Contributors
A – Submission
• The text of the paper ordinarily be in 3,000 to 6,000 words ( Roman style).
• English spellings according to Oxford Dictionary should be used while writing the paper.
• All tables and figures should bear consistency in their presentation. Source of data must be mentioned in the case of tables.
• The author/s are required to provide a declaration that ‘the paper is original, and will not be submitted elsewhere unless not accepted by the VLMS.
• Author/s alone are responsible for the content and ideas expressed in the paper.
• In no case the VLMS will come in any kind of controversy.
• A soft copy on MS format is to be made available to VLMS.
B- Abstract
• An abstract in about 100 to 150 words as a single paragraph in italic form must accompany the paper.
• It should state the objective, scope (theme, study area and time frame), methodology, main findings and the derived message of the paper.
• It is not to include any information or idea, which has not been discussed in the main text.
C – Reference Style
• All references are to be placed at the end of the main text script. Within the text, these should be referred to in a bracket, as follows: (author/s, year, p. or pp.)
• The referencing style as illustrated below should be strictly followed:

(i) An article published in a journal
• Imam, Mohammad Hasan.2004: Healthcare-practice and perception of future mothers, Man & Development, 26(4), 23-34

(ii) An article published in an edited book
• Press Desai, Meghnad. 2002: Defining a new vision for South Asia. In Khadija Haq (Ed), The South Asian Challenge, Oxford: University

(iii) An article published in a book by more than one author
• Chandra, Bipin, Mridula Mukherjee and Aditya Mukherjee.1999: India after Independence, New Delhi: Vicking

(iv) A Book
• Laws, Sophie.2003: Research for Development, New Delhi: Vistaar Publications.

(v) Government Publication
• Census of India. 2001. India Administrative Atlas: 1872-2001, New Delhi: Registrar General & Census Commissioner

(vi) Publication of an organisation
• World Bank.2005.World Development Report, A Better Investment Climate for Every One, New York: Oxford University Press.

D – Endnotes
• Acknowledgements, Notes ( if any) and References should be placed at the end of the text, in the order listed here.


Review: We receive number of research articles for every edition but after screening we publish maximum 25 articles in each edition. We have a refereed team for review. After approval of refereed team we request for filling the copyright form.

Publication and Copy: We publish the journal as hard copy and provide one copy to the contributor.

Cancellation of paper: We can cancel an article/research paper at any time before publication if the article is found incorrect or doubtful. The articles received after due date automatically shift for next edition. We advice you to make sure that the article is original and not published anywhere else. After due date received articles automatically shifts for next edition.

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