Climate change at global scale and its multifaceted impacts on ecosystem, society, economy has been witnessing the focus of the contemporary researches carried out by the scholars throughout the globe. The biodiversity in ecosystem is also facing a severe modification as well as a relentless decaying of varying magnitude due to this climatic variability at spatial and temporal references; and it has been making the biodiversity management process more complicated to address the effort of synergy between the issues of biodiversity conservation under the threat of global climate change and streamlining the utilization of biosphere-resources for the benefit of mankind. The present volume targets to assemble the local response pattern of biodiversity to the climate change, their associate impacts on ambient socio-economic-politico-cultural processes and the modern spectrum of biodiversity management targeting an accelerated human development within its covers. Different chapters of the books are written by authors, excerpting their observations through original research works from different part of the south-east Asia. Moreover, the authors from different disciplines have enriched the book with their unique standpoints of analysis that explore the contemporary updated methodological dimensions in the study of biodiversity and allied area of researches. Some physical and biological systems are already evidenced in reacting to this human induced change in climate; and, at least for some regions and for some communities and ecosystems, climatic variability already imposes huge costs. Some case studies of vulnerable areas form different part of the south-east Asian countries are included within this volume for the purpose of exploring the local issues to the global research communities towards a view of developing and implementing preventive strategies.
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